Sunday, 11 November 2012

Graphic Design

Understanding Graphic Design

1. There are lots of different disciplines within graphic design. typography is one of these, this is lettering and words, graphic designers tend to make different type so that it has some relevance to that word or the meaning. logos are another discipline of graphic design, the most recognisable logos are things like mcdonalds, nike  and different social networking sites (facebook, twitter, instagram ect... ). graphic designers create things for advertisements like flyers, billboards and the most recent thing is apps for phones. things such street signs and road signs are designed by graphic designers. people don't seem to realise that magazines and book covers is made by designers, nearly everything on each page of a magazine especially on adverts are some type of graphic design. packaging is the final discipline of design which i have been able to identify is packaging of products, things like perfume bottles are a part of this, designers try to make the bottles attractive so they look appealing to customers.
this is the magazine 'computer arts' after looking through the magazine i didn't find any article that i liked, but i thought that the front cover was really good to look at. i think that the colours work well together and the black makes certain things stand out.
3. i was looking on the design museum website and came across a company called 'fuel', there a graphic design company who work in fashion, music and on projects with other artists. they started the company by  producing there own magazine named 'fuel' which is where there business name came from, they then built there projects up from this magazine, the magazine was used to attract people to there company and now they are exhibiting in the design museum. 

Alice In Wonderland - 4LONDONERS - 1 

4. i researched noma bar because his work stood out to me as its very flat bold bright colours and they are very 'in your face' images. He has published over 500 illustrations and featured on over 60 magazine covers. there is not much typography on any of his images so he uses the picture the get the message across which i think is an interesting way to do it as it makes you go away and think about the images which you have just seen.

5. I feel that this week has helped me to look into design more and to notice the things around me that are designed by graphic designers, everyday things such as logos on clothes which i would have not noticed before. i really enjoyed developing our own type around the words we were given, i found that helped me to look at the words and recognise the meaning behind it. i think that i would have liked to have designed a logo based around the word as well as just the typography as this would have given me some knowledge of this area.


Quentin blake:
Urn tin Blake appeals to me as the Ronald Dahl books were some of my favourite as a child and I think that he really made the characters come to login his illustrations which helped my imagine the characters as I was reading.

Luke best:
The main thing that attracted me to lukes work was the way that he uses block colours. Such as the way that the colour of the background contrasts to the colours of the objects/ character which makes them stand out.

Lydia Wong:
Lydia Wongs work is very different to some of the other illustrators I have seen as her pictures almost look like they could be photographs.

Claudio Brave -Fine Art

Claudio bravo was a hyper-realist painter, he was influenced by the surrealist artist Salvador dali. I find his work very intriguing, I am not really interested in his still life paintings and his portraits of people, but i find the packages and fabric interesting. I find that showing folders in paper or fabrics is a hard thing to achieve but he does it perfectly in his work and they look so realistic, although his portraits and still lives are just as realistic. i think that Claudio is a very talented painter and I would be interested to look at more of his work.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Fine Art

these images are from the fine art week. i found this week very fun and felt very free to do what i want with my work. the first two images i felt like i had to be neat and then on the second two pictures i was more free using cardboard to create the patterns with colour.

3D design

these set of images are from the 3D design week. I really enjoyed the perspective drawing part of this week because ive never done it before and found that it was really easy to do and also looks quite good, i really like the coloured squared image with the box behind it as i think it makes it stand out. the part that i found most difficult about this week was the creating shapes out of paper and card.


The fashion week has been my favourite week so far as this is what i would like to specialise in . the outfits we made from paper started off from just simple shapes, i really enjoyed this way of working as i used this technique in my alevel textiles. this then went on to fashion illustrations but first we drew pictures of our paper garments so we could use the shapes for the fashion illustrations.


This selection of images are from the textiles section in the exploratory stage. i didnt really like all the observational drawings that we did as i found it boring drawing the same object over and over again. but when we started to use different techniques like the monoprinting and using stich is when i started to enjoy it. the one thing i did learn from this week is to stop being so neat with my work and that its ok to be messy sometimes. 

Monday, 22 October 2012

illustration work

this set of images are from the illustration taster week and were all done using observational studies of birds. i really like the first two images which were done in pen and ink as i think they worked really well and looked good with the colour in the background. i really didnt like the ones where we wet the paper as i think it looked really messy and i didnt like the way that i couldnt control where the ink went. the last two images went well and i enjoyed making a collage and am impressed with the way they turned out.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Ingo Maurer

Ingo Maurer is a lighting designer. His designers are very unique and unusual. Apart from designs of lamps for serial production he also works privately for people who want him to design them a one of a kind lighting piece. A few of his designs look like they are made from paper with images and lettering printed onto them. i think he is a very interesting designer and i would really like to have a piece of his in my home.

Anni Albers

Anni Albers is an textiles designer and printmaker. in 1925 she became 'junior master' at the bauhaus. i think her designs are interesting as she just uses colour to create shapes and images. Her work with colour is varied as some of the products which shes designed are simple colours which use the shapes to stand whereas some are loud and bright colours which dont really have a pattern to it.