this image is one of cindy shermans earlier work. i looked at cindy shermans work alot for my alevel work, and found her really interesting with the way she works. my favourite thing about the way she works is that she uses herself as the model in the photograph.
i really like this image of fay godwins, i think the way that shes focused on just one of the sculptures but left the others in the background so they are noticable works really well. i also think it would not look as good as a colour image as it leaves the colour to imagination.
after researching steven kleins work i decided that i wasnt very keen on him as a photographer. i think that his images are very shocking and quite disturbing to look at, mainly the images where hes made it look like the people have cut throats & other various body parts.
i was looking at john blakemores work and it didnt really appeal to my taste until i saw this image which really caught my eye. the reason why it caught my eye is because i felt that it looked like a type of photogram rather than an photogram of flowers which in my opinion made it more interesting.

sara moons photographs weren't really to my taste either, but what i liked about this photo is the way that shes used the yellow to make the person stand out, it really contrasts it well.
out of all the 6 photographers annie leibovitz has to be my favourite after coming across her disney portraits for the disney land paris exhibition. i love the way that the people in the images are celebrities who are playing the characters and the way that the photos sort of look very painting like.
I think it's interesting that you use the word 'taste' quite a lot to describe your notion of what you think is good or bad. Maybe you should investigate what your 'taste' is, the idea that 'taste' detmines what we think about art and design is slightly alien to me.I think it is important for you to think about how you look at art and how that influences what you make. Having said all that you have chosen some really good images like you I think Fay Godwins work is great, there is something very British about her view of the world .